If you don’t know how to open WhatsApp Web with two accounts on the same PC, read our step by step guide.
Today millions of users benefit daily by using WhatsApp Web. The WhatsApp version for computers has made communication easier for all those people who work from a PC, and in this case, we want to show you a very good trick that might interest you.
Currently, it is only possible to open a WhatsApp account on a mobile device. The platform does not have simultaneous sessions like Telegram, but there is a trick that allows you to open two accounts from a PC.
If you ever thought about opening two accounts on the same PC and you do not know how to do it, in this article we will show you the steps you must follow to do it since it is possible to do it unlike on a phone.
How to open WhatsApp Web with two accounts on the same PC?
Opening two accounts with WhatsApp on a PC is not complicated at all. All you’re going to need to do is open the browser of your choice on your computer and log in as you normally do with QR scanning.
Once you have logged into the first account, the next thing you will do is open from the same computer an incognito tab. These private tabs allow for safer browsing where nothing is stored and when closed everything is automatically deleted.
You are going to enter the WhatsApp Web page again and do the same process of scanning the QR code, but this time with the other account. Once this is done, you will have both accounts started on the same PC.
Of course, when you close the tab of the account that you have opened in incognito, when you want to log in again you will have to perform the login scan again.