Telegram debuts profile videos, increases file size to 2GB and more with its update. A new version of Telegram has just come out and if as a rule these launches come well with a great novelty, or with several minor novelties, the case at hand is the latter and if it is distinguished from the latest updates of the messaging service. It is because in addition to the mobile application, the PC application also takes its own.
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The first thing that stands out in the official announcement are the profile videos, which is exactly what the name of this function implies: in addition to an image, from now on you can put a small video on your profile, with the possibility of improve the quality of the recording with a filter, add animated stickers and select a specific moment of the video as ‘snapshot’ for your avatar in chats.
Speaking of snapshots, this new version of Telegram also debuts a new function called ‘soft skin’ that you can already imagine what it is for and that works with any photograph or video you take with the device’s front camera. Can’t imagine it? Well, it consists of a new editing option to be more handsome.
Other news in this new version of Telegram is the “mini-thumbnails” that appear in the message list when someone has sent you a multimedia file, so that you can quickly identify what it is about; the same type of statistics that were implemented in the channels, but for groups and with a broader limit that is intended to go even lower (from 500 to 100 members); new animated emojis have been added.
And more news: the “people near you” mode will now show you how close those people really are to you and will suggest an “ice- breaker” sticker. Conversely, if you go social and want to reduce the hassle that comes with it, a new switch has been added in the privacy and security settings to automatically archive and mute new chats from people who are not among your contacts.
Exclusively for the Android application at least for the moment, Telegram has renewed the design of the audio player and improved the video editor, with which you can now trim and rotate videos. And exclusively for the PC application, it is still a change that was owed, it is already possible to identify with several accounts at the same time. As with the mobile app, the limit is three accounts.
Last but not least, this new version of Telegram has increased the maximum size of files that can be uploaded to cloud storage for saving or sharing, from 1.5GB to 2GB.
While waiting for it to reach Telegram, the redundancy, expected video call function, is worth, the development does not stop even in the middle of summer.