Destiny 2 enthusiasts have recently encountered a frustrating dilemma: their ability to switch Destiny 2 loadouts locked or disabled, without revealing the cause.
Loadouts, those nifty setups that allow you to swiftly switch between different character builds, optimizing your gameplay and saving valuable time, have become temporarily inaccessible for some players.
Why are Destiny 2 loadouts locked?
Players are voicing their concerns across various platforms detailing the difficulties they’re facing in applying or switching to a new loadout. The situation has escalated to the point where the loadout tab has become completely unresponsive, rendering their previously saved configurations out of reach.
A peculiar twist compounds the issue. Players attempting to change their loadouts are greeted by a message prompting them to “Progress Guardian Ranks to Unlock Loadout.” What’s baffling is that some players who are already at a rank higher than the requirement are still encountering this message. A rather inconvenient glitch, especially for those who were already prepared for action.
The timing of these problems couldn’t be worse for some players, as the looming launch of the next season adds to their anxiety. The prospect of entering a raid race without proper loadout access is a daunting thought, leaving gamers hoping for a swift resolution to this perplexing snag.
Players spoke up
Reports from the field share tales of loadout woes. One player, for instance, recounts being unable to access a Titan loadout they had meticulously crafted the week prior. Surprisingly, they’re instructed to progress through the Guardian ranks, even though they’re already at a respectable 7th rank.
Another frustrated player points out that their loadout slot availability has taken a hit. They now find themselves with only 4 functional slots out of the usual 10, with the rest appearing to be locked away.
The cause and the crashes
It turns out that these loadout hiccups might be related to addressing a separate issue: game crashes. According to a Twitter user, swapping two items in the loadout tab could trigger crashes in the game. This was compounded by the fact that the whole lobby would be ejected alongside the crashing player.
Official word from Bungie
Thankfully, Bungie has taken note of the situation and officially responded. The loadout feature has been temporarily disabled as a measure to address the ongoing troubles. Players can find their in-game loadouts seemingly locked behind Guardian Ranks. However, there’s a silver lining: existing loadouts will be preserved and accessible once a fix is deployed.
Due to an issue, we have temporarily disabled the Loadouts function. This will appear in-game as Loadouts being locked behind Guardian Ranks.
Any existing Loadouts will be saved and available to all players who have already unlocked them once a fix can be deployed.
— Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) August 22, 2023
While the present might be marred by the Destiny 2 loadouts locked situation, the future promises a return to the familiar rhythm of swapping gear and fine-tuning strategies. As Bungie works diligently behind the scenes, players can rest assured that their beloved loadouts will soon be freed from the confines of Guardian Ranks. Until then, the Destiny 2 community stands strong, united in anticipation of a fix that will restore their freedom to customize and conquer.
Meanwhile, if you haven’t yet, make sure to check out our articles on Destiny 2 to see how you can use our help to gain some advantage, such as our article on how to get Silver Leaves in Destiny 2.
Featured image credit: PlayStation