In this article, we are going to be covering LoL URF tier list (2022): Best and worst LoL URF champs, so you can obliterate your opponents in the game mode.
The most exciting, wildest, and limited-time event mode in the world-renowned MOBA League of Legends (LoL), Ultra Rapid Fire aka URF, has returned. And with that, it is past time to create a URF Tier List! This article will rank URF champions from the strong options that consistently outperform the competition to the least feasible ones.
This is a significant upgrade. We created new divisions for the champions who are the strongest and weakest. A section for game updates and FAQs has also been created. Riot Games, the creators of League of Legends, kicked out the year with a bang, enticing the game’s 115 million monthly active players with the return of URF in its rotating game mode.
URF is a featured game style in League of Legends that was first launched as an April Fools’ Event in 2014. It’s a game style noted for its lack of mana constraints and greatly decreased ability cooldown, allowing players to spam their champions’ abilities. Since then, URF has been a fixture in LoL’s game events, as well as one of the game’s all-time favorite game modes. Because of its popularity, it has undergone several upgrades and revisions.
And developers have incorporated new URF features that will improve the entire gameplay experience in LoL’s patch 11.19 release. Now that you’re up to date on the most recent news concerning one of LoL’s most anticipated game modes, let’s get moving and zoom in on some of the most powerful champions you can play.
LoL URF tier list (2022)
URF has a tremendous array of champions from which to pick, and it is well-known for its lack of mana constraints and ability cooldown reduction. URF champions, like other gaming characters, are not created equal. Some stick out and soar above the rest simply because they are that good—these are the S Tier players. Champions who fall short of this mark are sent to the A Tier.
While champions with enough power to be above average but not excellent alternatives are featured in the B Tier. Then, champions who are only effective in limited conditions are classified as C Tier. Finally, the D Tier has the least feasible candidates. Here is our URF Tier List after considering the Kill-Death-Assist (KDA) ratio, win rates, and pick rates.
LoL URF tier list (2022): S Tier
- Zed
- Yuumi
- Shaco
- Fizz
- Master Yi
- Nami
- Malphite
- Sona
- Kayle
- Vex
- Hecarim
- Morgana
- Wukong
- Annie
- Luz
- Ezreal
- Singed
- Kai’Sa
- Seraphine
- Syndra
- Ahri
- Lulu
- Sylas
- Graves
- Nocturne
- Lucian
- Twitch
- Trundle
- Soraka
- Lee Sin
- Orianna
- Shyvana
- Volibear
- Fiora
- Kog’Maw
- Teemo
- Malhazar
- Ekko
- Sivir
LoL URF tier list (2022): A Tier
- Maokai
- Tristana
- Vi
- Janna
- Veigar
- Jinx
- Jax
- Zyra
- Shen
- LeBlance
- Nasus
- Xin Zhao
- Vel’Koz
- Rengar
- Tryndamere
- Karma
- Jhin
- Heimerdinger
- Lissadndra
- Xayah
- Ziggs
- Skarner
- Viktor
- Caitlyn
- Zilean
- Cassiopeia
- Lillia
- Samira
- Blitzcrank
- Jarvan IV
- Diana
- Miss Fortune
- Warwick
- Talon
- Kha’Zix
- Corki
- Leona
- Zac
- Pyke
LoL URF tier list (2022): B Tier
- Aurelion Sol
- Vayne
- Ashe
- Nautilus
- Twisted Fate
- Rakan
- Rell
- Kennen
- Ivern
- Kayn
- Xertah
- Gragas
- Karthus
- Swain
- Zoe
- Neeko
- Galio
- Riven
- Akshan
- Nidalee
- Pantheon
- Jayce
- Taric
- Rumble
- Camille
- Illaoi
- Garen
- Dr. Mundo
- Yorick
- Cho’Gath
- Gangplanl
- Vladimir
- Ryze
- Amumu
- Tahm Kench
- Brand
- Kindred
LoL URF tier list (2022): C Tier
- Aatrox
- Katarina
- Sejuani
- Varus
- Poppy
- Rammus
- Renekton
- Draven
- Azir
- Kassadin
- Qiyana
- Evelynn
- Alistar
- Sett
- Bard
- Urgot
- Taliyah
- Darius
- Yone
- Elise
- Ornn
- Olaf
- Yasuo
LoL URF tier list (2022): D Tier
- Braum
- Udyr
- Anivia
- Fiddlesticks
- Gnar
- Quinn
- Mordekaiser
- Rek’Sai
- Kalista
- Nunu
- Aphelios
- Gwn
- Thresh
- Akali
- Viego
- Sion
We hope that you enjoyed this article on the LoL URF tier list (2022). If you did, we are sure that you will also enjoy reading some of our other articles, such as LoL URF release time, details, and more (2022), or LoL new items: League of Legends Season 13 changes.