We will tell you about FIFA 21 Division Rivals rewards and when they are achieved in this article.
These are all the rewards you can get in the Division Rivals mode of FIFA 21, and the prizes you can choose depending on the rank.
The Division Rivals mode is one of the modes that Ultimate Team fans love the most in FIFA 21. In this mode, we play online matches against other players to qualify for divisions and show off our skills on the pitch. For our complete guide, we have prepared the following entry where we tell you all the details of Division Rivals and the levels of rewards available in this edition of the EA Sports soccer simulator.
What is the FIFA 21 Division Rivals mode?
Before we get down to tell, let’s take a quick look at what the Ultimate Team Division Rivals is all about, in case you’re a first-time player. Basically FUT Rival is an online mode in which every week you compete against other players to move up or down in global divisions.
- It is the favorite game mode for players who want to challenge themselves and play at a high level in FUT.
- In FUT Rivals, there are a total of 10 qualifying divisions, with 6 ranks in each.
- Depending on your wins and losses, you will be promoted or relegated.
- The higher you get in the divisions, the better the rewards.
- In the first four ranges, there is a choice between coins, transferable packs, or non-transferable packs.
FIFA 21 Division Rivals rewards and when they are achieved?
- Division Rivals rewards at FIFA 21 can be claimed.
- Day of the week: every Thursday.
At the time of the weekly rotation of this game mode, you will receive an automatic notification that you can collect the rewards you have won. These rewards do not expire, so you do not need to redeem them immediately, they can be opened later.
With the official Companion App, you can claim your rewards without having to open the game directly. All rewards will be immediately stored in your club when you collect them.
Division Rivals rewards by divisions and ranks
In the Division Rivals mode of FIFA 21, we can win a number of rewards or prizes including mainly FUT coins and packs. The prizes are much more generous than in the Squad Battles mode as there are more divisions and ranks here and we are offered different options.
The rewards are classified into 10 divisions according to your points earned. Below we show you all the Division Rivals rewards you can choose from, what their contents are, and how many coins you get for moving up a division in FIFA 21.
Division 10
You enter this division when you reach 115 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: Small pack of Top Gold players, 2 packs of a mix of players, 1 pack of the mix of Top players, 20 points FUT Champions.
- Option 2: 4 packs of the mix of players (non-transferable), 2 packs of the mix of top players (non-transferable), 2 small packs of top gold players (non-transferable), 20 points FUT Champions.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 2 packs of the mix of players Top.
- Option 2: 4 packs of the mix of top players (non-transferable).
- Option 3: 20.000 coins.
Rank 3
- Option 1: Jumbo gold packs, Top player mix pack.
- Option 2: 2 jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 2 top players mix packs (non-transferable).
- Option 3: 15.000 coins.
Rank 4
- Option 1: Gold pack, 2 jumbo gold packs.
- Option 2: 2 gold packs (non-transferable), 4 jumbo gold packs (non-transferable).
- Option 3: 10.000 coins.
Range 5
- Option 1: On premium gold (non-transferable), 1,750 coins
Range 6
- Option 1: On gold (non-transferable).
Division 9
You enter this division when you reach 350 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 34,000 coins, 25 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: 3 packs of premium jumbo gold, 2 packs of consumables, 25 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 6 premium gold jumbo packs (non-transferable), 2 consumable packs (non-transferable), 25 FUT Champions points.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 25,000 coins
- Option 2: 3 premium jumbo gold packs, consumable pack.
- Option 3: 6 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 2 consumable packs (non-transferable).
Range 3
- Option 1: 17,500 coins.
- Option 2: Megapack.
- Option 3: 2 megapacks (non-transferable).
Range 4
- Option 1: 2,500 coins, premium jumbo gold pack.
Range 5
- Option 1: 2 gold packs.
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 8
You enter this division when you reach 500 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 40,000 coins, 60 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: 2 Premium Gold Jumbo packs, Premium Gold Jumbo Player pack, 60 FUT Champions Points.
- Option 3: 4 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 2 premium jumbo gold player packs (non-transferable), 60 FUT Champions points.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 30,000 coins, 30 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Over a mix of top players, Over a mix of unique players, 30 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 Top Player Mixed packs (non-transferable), 2 Unique Player Mixed packs (non-transferable), 30 FUT Champions points.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 20,000 coins.
- Option 2: Mixed Top players pack.
- Option 3: 4 packs of the mix of top players (non-transferable).
Rank 4
- Option 1: 1,000 coins, gold pack, premium jumbo gold pack.
Rank 5
- Option 1: Gold pack (non-transferable), 2 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable)
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 7
You enter this division when you reach 750 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 45,000 coins, 80 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: On premium jumbo players, On mixed 2 players, 80 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 premium jumbo players packs (non-transferable), 4 players mix pack, 80 points FUT Champions.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 35,000 coins, 40 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: 2 mega coin, 40 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 4 mega coin (non-transferable), 40 FUT Champions points.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 24,000 coins.
- Option 2: Single-player electro, premium jumbo gold packs.
- Option 3: 2 packs of unique players electro (non-transferable), 2 packs of premium jumbo gold (non-transferable).
Rank 4
- Option 1: 3,000 coins, gold pack, premium jumbo gold pack.
Rank 5
- Option 1: 2 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable).
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 6
You enter this division when you reach 1,000 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 52,000 coins, 100 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Top gold player pack, Megapack, Unique player pack, 100 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 2 Top gold players packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks (non-transferable), 100 FUT Champions points.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 39,500 coins, 50 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Top gold players pack, electro single players pack, 50 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 Top gold players packs (non-transferable), 2 electro single players packs(non-transferable), 50 points FUT Champions.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 27,500 coins.
- Option 2: Megapacks.
- Option 3: 2 megapacks (non-transferable).
Range 4
- Option 1: 3,500 coins, premium jumbo gold pack.
Range 5
- Option 1: Premium jumbo gold pack (not interchangeable)
Range 6
Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 5
You enter this division when you reach 1,250 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 58,000 coins, 195 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: On unique players, Megapack, 2 premium jumbo gold packs, 195 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 unique player packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks, 4 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 195 points FUT Champions.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 44,000 coins, 130 FUT Champions points
- Option 2: Single-player pack, Megapack, 130 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 single player packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks (non-transferable), 130 points FUT Champions.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 32,000 coins, 65 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Megapack, 2 premium jumbo gold packs, 65 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 2 megapacks, 4 premium jumbo gold packs, 65 points FUT Champions.
Rank 4
- Option 1: 3,500 coins, premium jumbo gold pack, 2 gold packs.
Rank 5
- Option 1: 2 gold packs (non-transferable)
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 4
You enter this division when you reach 1,500 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 65,000 coins, 240 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Single-player pack, Top gold player pack, Megapack, 240 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 Unique Players packs (interchangeable), 2 Megapack, 2 Top Gold Players packs (non-transferable), 240 points FUT Champions.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 55,000 coins, 160 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Single-player pack, Megapack, Premium jumbo gold player pack, 160 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 2 unique players packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks (non-transferable), 2 premium jumbo gold players packs (non-transferable).
Rank 3
- Option 1: 34,000 coins, 80 FUT Champions points
- Option 2: 2 mega coin, 80 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 4 mega coin (non-transferable), 80 FUT Champions points.
Rank 4
- Option 1: 3,500 coins, 1 premium jumbo gold pack, 2 premium gold packs.
Range 5
- Option 1: 2 gold jumbo packs (non-transferable), Gold pack (non-transferable).
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 3
You enter this division when you reach 1,700 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 70,000 coins, 375 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: 2 unique megapacks, electro unique player pack, 375 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 4 megapacks (non-transferable), 2 electro single player packs (non-transferable), 375 FUT Champions points.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 53,000 coins, 250 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Megapacks, Top player mix pack, 2 premium jumbo gold pack, 250 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 2 megapack (non-transferable), 2 top player mix packs (non-transferable), 4 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 250 points. FUT Champions.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 36,000 coins, 125 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Unique players pack, Unique players gold pack, 125 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 Unique Players packs (non-transferable), 2 Unique Players Gold packs (non-transferable), 125 points FUT Champions.
Rank 4
- Option 1: 4,500 coins, 2 packs of premium jumbo gold.
Range 5
- Option 1: 3 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable)
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 2
You enter this division when you reach 1600 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 75,000 coins, 750 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Top player mix pack, single Megapack, 2 Megapack, 750 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 Top player mix packs (non-transferable), 2 unique megapacks (non-transferable), 4 megapacks (non-transferable), 750 points FUT Champions.
Rank 2
- Option 1: 58,000 coins, 500 FUT Champions points
- Option 2: 3 megapacks, premium jumbo gold pack, 500 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 6 megapacks (non-transferable), 2 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable), 500 FUT Champions points.
Rank 3
- Option 1: 40,000 coins, 250 FUT Champions points.
- Option 2: Unique player pack, Electro unique player pack, 250 points FUT Champions.
- Option 3: 2 single player packs (non-transferable), 2 single player packs electro (non-transferable), 250 points FUT Champions.
Rank 4
- Option 1: Premium jumbo gold pack, 1 premium gold pack.
Range 5
- Option 1: 4 jumbo gold packs (non-transferable).
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).
Division 1
You enter this division when you reach 1,800 points.
Rank 1
- Option 1: 80,000 coins.
- Option 2: Ultimate pack, Megapack.
- Option 3: 2 Ultimate packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks (non-transferable).
Range 2
- Option 1: 61,000 coins.
- Option 2: About Ultimate.
- Option 3: 2 Ultimate packs (non-transferable).
Range 3
- Option 1: 42,000 coins, 500 FUT Champions points
- Option 2: Single-player pack, Megapack, 500 FUT Champions points.
- Option 3: 2 single player packs (non-transferable), 2 megapacks (non-transferable), 500 points FUT Champions (non-transferable).
Rank 4
- Option 1: 2 gold packs of premium players, 250 FUT Champions points.
Rank 5
- Option 1: 3 premium jumbo gold packs (non-transferable)
Range 6
- Option 1: packs (non-transferable).