Gaming Amazon Luna, Stadia’s competitor, to support 720p resolution for slower connections byBarış Selman 13 April 2021
Gaming E3 2021 dates are set: Expo will be held online with Xbox and Nintendo support byBarış Selman 7 April 2021
Gaming The world’s largest Nintendo Switch is almost two meters long, weighs 30kg, and has a 4K display byBarış Selman 5 April 2021
Gaming A internal clock battery design flaw on PS4 may just brick the console byKerem Gülen 31 March 2021
Gaming PlayStation Store closing for PS3, PS Vita, and PSP this summer, Sony has confirmed byBarış Selman 30 March 2021
Gaming PS5 patent raises speculation about compatibility with PS3, PS2, and PSX byBarış Selman 24 March 2021
Gaming Nintendo to launch Switch Pro in 2021: Nvidia DLSS, faster CPU and more memory byBarış Selman 23 March 2021
Gaming Steam Link comes to the Mac App Store and brings remote gaming closer byBarış Selman 23 March 2021