Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has addressed the public following his arrest in France. His detention caused a shift in policy for the privacy-centered messaging service. Durov gave a detailed statement about the arrest and the challenges Telegram faces in online communication.
Criminal activity and Telegram’s response
Twelve days after his arrest, Durov spoke on Telegram. He said that Telegram has struggled to manage criminal activity. He called this Telegram’s “growing pains.” This is the first time the CEO has admitted this. He has always said he is committed to user privacy and freedom of expression.
Durov was arrested for allowing illegal content, including child abuse material, to be shared on Telegram. Durov said the arrest was unexpected and unjust. He admitted that Telegram’s rapid growth has made it difficult to police the platform.
Telegram’s new policy on private chats
In response to the arrest and concerns about moderating content, the company updated its policy on private chats. Previously, Telegram said all private chats were off-limits for moderation. That has changed. Users can now report illegal content in private chats to Telegram.
This is a big change from how Telegram treated private chats before. The company’s updated FAQ page says users can flag inappropriate content in just a few taps. This shows they are taking a more proactive approach to moderation.
The change also includes an email address for urgent takedown requests. It is not yet clear how these updates will affect Telegram’s cooperation with law enforcement.
Durov’s views on privacy and security
Durov still believes in privacy. He criticized the French authorities for holding him personally accountable for third parties’ actions on the platform. He said this could stop new ideas because people might be afraid of being held responsible for how their products are used.
Durov additionally stated that Telegram has consistently declined to provide the government with user data access. He stated that Telegram was prohibited in Russia and Iran for declining to provide the government with access to user data. Durov is continuing his search for a way to maintain a balance between privacy and security.
As Telegram expands, Durov is striving to tackle these hurdles. He stated that despite some enhancements, Telegram still needs to work on maintaining the security and privacy of the platform. Pavel Durov’s full message:
Telegram’s EU law enforcement address raises concerns
Telegram has been in a battle between prioritizing user privacy and complying with European law enforcement for a long time. As a Dubai-based company, Telegram frequently comes into conflict with EU regulations, including Germany’s Network Enforcement Act. This legislation mandates that social media platforms must delete unlawful content within one day or else they will be subject to penalties. Telegram has struggled to consistently meet this requirement.
Telegram recently updated its moderation policies, allowing users to report private chats directly to moderators. However, EU authorities still have concerns. They have difficulty working with a platform that prioritizes privacy and operates outside the EU’s jurisdiction.
Pavel Durov’s arrest and Telegram’s new policies mark a turning point for the platform. Durov wants to protect user privacy, but managing a platform of this scale is hard. As Telegram changes, it will need to find new ways to balance privacy, security, and user safety. Durov will share more updates on these efforts in the coming months.
Featured image credit: Viralyft / Pexels