If you don’t know how to unlock every class in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters, we are here to help. Four classes are provided in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters, the Justicar, Purgator, Interceptor, and Apothecary. Despite being the first Grey Knights you may command, they are all quite strong and capable of combatting the hordes of Chaos. They have it all: firepower, support, healing, and melee attacks.
How to unlock every class in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters?
There are plenty of other classes to collect, but they aren’t the only ones; in fact, there are four more advanced classes that must be unlocked and discovered. When you begin your Crusade, you won’t learn about them, but they exist. They add a lot of diversity to your lineup and are well worth trying out, experimenting with, and bringing into battle. But how to unlock every class in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters?

How to unlock advanced classes in Warhammer?
On the other hand, you can start taking lessons in higher-level classes only after you’ve passed through Chaos Gate. Higher-level courses are inaccessible at first, but they will begin to appear in various conversations as you progress further in the narrative. They should begin showing up between Day 150 and 200 on an average run.
Your first advanced class will be taught to you by the Grandmaster himself. You’ll be whisked away to a discussion with the big fellow, and he’ll offer you one of four classes: Paladin, Purifier, Chaplain, or Librarian. You’re not told what these classes do in particular, but if you’re into tabletop gaming, you should have a good idea.
You’re halfway there when you’ve chosen your new Knight. You can easily find more once you’ve made your selection.

Mission Rewards
You may earn Armory unlocks for completing missions. Weapons, armor, and even wargear are some of the rewards. You will also get the option to recruit a new Knight to your Strike Force in addition to this. These are usually one of the fundamental classes available.
However, you may acquire one of the more complex courses from these rewards, and you should go out of your way to do this whenever you have a Requisition. To optimize your squad customization choices when creating teams, you’ll need at least one of each class in Chaos Gate.
Spend Requisition to improve your Knight acquisition during Grandmaster Reports to increase the likelihood of an advanced class being rewarded.

What are the four advanced classes in Warhammer?
The Paladin, Purifier, Chaplain, and Librarian are the most powerful of their kind. They all bring something unique to the table and are quite strong – even when compared to the basic classes.
The Paladin is the team’s tank. While the Justicar may assist with this duty, the Paladin was designed for it. He can only wear Terminator Armor and has access to Storm Shields, so he’s more than qualified to defend allies and destroy foes at a distance. He’s particularly good at stunning opponents with devastatingly powerful strikes, resulting in grisly deaths.
The Purifiers are the spiritual core of the Grey Knights, and they are a symbol of the war against Warpspawn tainted with the black taint. This ability means that they have founded their own little yet distinctive Brotherhood.

The Emperor’s Chaplains are his warrior priests. They have the ability to bestow their allies with potent buffs while also removing corruption from their foes. Chaplains are aggressive front-line fighters that can provide powerful support in one deadly package.
Psychic Arts are a type of ability that most characters in the game have access to, which improves their skills. Librarians who specialize in the Psychic Arts are considerably stronger than even their formidable relatives. They use warp magics to deal with death from afar and are quite successful at it.
This way you’ve learned How to unlock every class in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters. You can download the game from Steam. If you want to learn more about the upcoming video game release dates in 2022, check out our article. The RPG games are so popular today, if you want to try out one, this is everything you need to know about Elden Ring character creation.