Today we’ve prepared the best Night Stalker Dota 2 guide for MOBA lovers.
Night Stalker Dota 2 guide
Below you are going to find everything you need to know about Night Stalker in Dota 2, follow these tips and tricks to gain MMR and rank up easily!
Night Stalker Dota 2: Pros and Cons
- Very strong during night time.
- Tanky hero.
- Excellent roamer.
- Easy-to-learn.
- During the night, he is one of the fastest heroes in the game.
- You can play him as semi-core, semi-tank, roamer and even carry.
- Pressures enemies in the night time.
- Great Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade.
- Bad in the landing phase.
- Has some mana problems.
- Not a great team fighter, lacks AoE abilities.
- Doesn’t break spell immunity.
- Slow in the daytime.
- During the day has 800 line of sight compared to 1800.
Night Stalker Dota 2: Abilities
- Void: Creates a damaging void that slows an enemy unit and deals damage. Void also mini-stuns, interrupting channeling abilities. The slowing effect lasts longer at night.
- Crippling Fear: Night Stalker horrifies all nearby enemies, causing them to become silenced while near him. The effect lasts longer at night.
- Hunter in the Night: Night Stalker is in his element at night, attacking and moving with great swiftness
- Dark Ascension: Night Stalker smothers the sun and summons instant darkness, so that he might use his powers at their fullest. Nightstalker gains flight and bonus damage during this time. Has unobstructed vision.
- Hunter in the Night Aghanim’s Shard Ability Upgrade: Night Stalker can cast Hunter in the Night. Consumes a creep, instantly killing it and restoring 35% of Night Stalker’s maximum HP and and 25% of maximum mana. Cannot target ancients during the daytime. Cooldown: 20
- Void Aghanim’s Scepter Ability Upgrade: Causes Void to be an AoE ability. Increases the ministun duration.
Night Stalker Dota 2: Skill Build
Use your Q spell, Void, in order to secure range creeps in the lane. If enemies dive in, you can use your Q to slow them down.
Crippling Fear is a great ability to use against heroes like Storm Spirit. You can silence enemies with this spell.
Use your ulti in team fights and ganks, this will activate your passive spell. You will have increased vision, attack speed and movement speed.
Night Stalker Dota 2: Item build
Starting items: Start the lane with a Tango, Healing Salve and Enchanted Mango for regeneration. Buy a Ring of Protection in order to not get harassed as much. Finally, get a Quelling Blade to secure last hits and create juke paths by cutting trees.
Early game items: Finish your Phase boots and Magic Wand. Then, get an Urn of Shadows as fast as possible. Use Urn charges to secure kills and heal your cores.
Core items: Upgrade your Urn of Shadows into Spirit Vessel. Buy a Black King Bar (BKB) and farm Aghanim’s Scepter. This will boost your teamfighting capabilities a lot.
Late game items: Finally buy an Abyssal Blade and use its active to lock down enemies. Abyssal Blade also works on magic immune targets. Buy an AC (Assault Cuirass) to boost your team’s armor while reducing your enemies’. Your final inventory should look like this:
Night Stalker Dota 2: Tips and tricks
Start ganking enemies when nighttime starts and try to farm as much as possible during the daytime. Night Stalker has high strength gain and he is very mobile at night, making him ideal for tower dives.
During the daytime, you have a low sight range so be careful when pushing lanes. Enemies might gank you.
His excellent base damage and high base health allow him to get last hits and denies reliably.
Thanks to his high base strength and starting armor, you can survive in the offlane until the first night. Then you can start pressuring the enemy easy lane carry with your spells.
Night Stalker Dota 2: Counters
Night Stalker is bad against:
Chaos Knight, Lycan, Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer
Night Stalker is good against:
Storm Spirit, Puck, Clinkz, Earthshaker
Night Stalker Dota 2: Lore
Of the Night Stalker, there is no history, only stories. There are ancient tales woven into the lore of every race and every culture, of an impossible time before sunlight and daytime, when night reigned alone and the world was covered with the creatures of darkness–creatures like Balanar the Night Stalker.
It is said that on the dawn of the First Day, all the night creatures perished. All, that is, save one. Evil’s embodiment, Night Stalker delights in his malevolence. He created the primal role of the Night Terror, the Boogeyman, and as long as there have been younglings, his is the specter summoned to terrify them. This is a role he relishes; nor are these empty theatrics. He does indeed stalk the unwary, the defenseless, those who have strayed beyond the lighted paths or denied the warnings of their communities. Night Stalker serves as living proof that every child’s worst nightmare….is true.
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