Telegram update is now on the air. Telegram has introduced several changes to its popular messaging platform, including the ability to translate messages in the app and react with emojis to messages for a quick response.
What are the new Telegram update features?
The instant messaging service that competes with WhatsApp and Signal has also added support for spoiler text formatting on its apps, allowing users to hide the content of a message that may contain spoilers and then show it to the recipient by tapping. Telegram is also adding support for zany QR codes for all users or groups with public usernames.
In-app translation
The first feature revealed by Telegram on its official website is an in-app translation tool that can convert messages sent from another user or a group. Users may turn it on by going to Settings > Language. Messages sent in languages the user does not understand will have a translate button, which they may use to translate them. The option will be accessible to all Android users, but iPhone users must update their operating system to iOS 15 in order for it to function correctly.
Message reactions
With the most recent upgrade, Telegram has enabled fast reactions, allowing emojis to be used to react to messages from other users. Even WhatsApp is said to be working on message reactions, which have been popularized by applications like Facebook Messenger and Instagram. Android users should go to Chat Settings > Quick Reaction, while iOS users may select Stickers and Emoji > Quick Reaction for their preferred response emoticon.
Spoiler text
Users will be able to use Telegram’s spoiler formatting, which will allow them to conceal the content of their communications if they contain any sort of spoilers. Users have the option to conceal specific portions of their messages for others to reveal by tapping on them — if that’s what users want. The functionality may come in handy when talking about recent theatrical releases like Spider-Man: No Way Home or The Matrix Resurrections, as well as TV programs such as The Witcher. It can also be useful while discussing touchy subjects since the hidden part of the message might serve as a warning trigger for users.
Customizable QR codes
Telegram already supports QR codes, but the service is adding support for “customizable” QR codes that may be made for any user with a public username. Users can also generate QR codes for their groups, channels, and even bots while customizing them with different colors. These may then be shared using other apps or printed and emailed. Meanwhile, the service has enhanced seven dynamic emojis in private conversations with full-screen effects, according to Telegram.