The new Telegram update, 8.1, brings us the personalization of individual chats and full-screen interactive emojis.
If there is an instant messaging application that is regularly updated with many new features, it is undoubtedly Telegram. A few weeks ago came the big update for the eighth anniversary, and less than a month later we have another one.
This time, there are new features, but above all, we have visual changes such as new chat themes and emoticons that animate and synchronize between the interlocutors of a private chat.
Personalization of private chats
Personalization has always been one of Telegram’s strengths, and in this update, it is improved with the inclusion of 8 new themes that we can apply in private chats.
They have message bubbles with gradients, animated backgrounds, and different background patterns.
In this way, we can differentiate chats at a glance. In addition, all available options have a day and night version, which will change according to the mode of your mobile.
Interactive Emojis
Another new feature, the most curious, is the interactive emojis with full-screen effects. If we click on certain emoticons we will see how they animate and affect the entire chat. These are the ones available for now.
In addition, if both interlocutors have the chat open at the same time, the animations will be synchronized.
Reading confirmations in small groups
There are also new features in groups. Specifically, we will be able to click on a message in a group chat to see which members have seen it.
Until now we only saw the double check if someone had read it, but we did not know what was happening with the rest.
Audio and video recording from live streams
If you usually use Telegram live streams you may have missed the option of being able to save them to leave them available in the group later.
Well, this is now an option for group administrators.
All these features are now available in the Google Play Store version.