The identification on third-party websites with the Google account is something that has been around for years. We use our open Google session (or we open it at the time) to verify our identity and the website, or the app in question uses the token provided by Google to identify us and give us access to the area reserved for users.
But until now, the system was somewhat more complex than expected because we had to go to a second screen owned by Google to perform the process. With ‘One Tap’, Google simplifies this process and now allows us to perform the identification with a single touch on the screen and quickly, easily, and securely. A new feature for ‘Google Identity Services’ that comes along with other new updates and registrations.
With the new update of the Google ID module, we will be able to see our profile picture and the email address of our account. That will be the proof that our Google session is correctly logged in and that we can use it to identify ourselves elsewhere. We will only need to click on “Continue as”, the button whose text is completed with our first name, for the identification to be complete.
In the identification box, we will also be able to see the text indicating which website or service we are logging into. It can be seen at the top next to the X that will allow us to close the box to continue browsing without identification, or leave the page or app in question. Google is open to modifications in the design of this new quick identification box, perhaps customizable for certain services, websites, or apps.
From the programmers’ side, Google’s new quick login is also associated with a simplification of the implementation process. According to Google, it is designed to require “minimal code” to connect the web to the Google account through a simple SDK. Taking advantage of these modifications, Google has also introduced security changes with shielding against abuse and fraud, as it introduced security for companies months ago. The company also comments that this ‘identify yourself with Google’ allows reducing the number of duplicate and fraudulent accounts.