It’s been a month since Telegram premiered group video calls and as we told then, it did it with less grace than expected, including “a fairly loose limit of participants that does not reach that of WhatsApp, but that will be expanded in the future…”. A future that has not yet become a reality, but that diverges.
As it is, the limit of 30 participants in Telegram group video calls remains, but that of viewers explodes to a thousand people. Yes sir: “Group video calls allow up to 30 users to stream video from their camera and screen, and now 1,000 people can watch anything from online conferences to live rap battles,” they note in the official announcement.
In short, Telegram developers are once again giving their twist to a feature and as they did with voice chat, more focused on scoring a live podcast than on promoting private conversation, although they are good for everything, Telegram group calls seem to be the video alternative to this feature.
Beyond video calls, video is the great front of evolution of this version of Telegram with video messages 2.0, those small video clips that can be sent quickly and now expand their resolution and allow enlargement, as well as pause, fast forward and rewind playback, or record the audio that is retransmitting the device, among other improvements. All except being able to choose a camera to record with before the recording starts…