A new webcam has just been invented and it has everything it takes to give you nightmares and keep you from working in peace. So if that’s what you’re looking for, we have the perfect solution for you and your peculiar needs.
This webcam called Eyecam looks lika a human eye
A new webcam that looks and acts like a human eye is being developed. This camera sits on top of the screen, as you might imagine, and is capable of blinking, and has features like hyper-realistic skin and hair.
But if that’s not nightmare material enough, this eye/camera can also act on its own without you having to do anything. If you are on a video call, apart from the fact that it will blink from time to time, there is also the possibility that it will start to see everything around you, without staying still just because you are on a call.
In addition, even when you are not using it, this camera can be watching everything around you and it can really express itself through body language.
Sometimes you can see it angry, other times you can see it sad and even see that it is tired of looking at the same spot all day long.
Why was this webcam made?
Basically, The Eyecam is a work that seeks to create awareness in people about the way in which a traditional webcam works. Normal cameras are static and lifeless, literally because they are machines.
With this webcam, we can feel like we are actually having a conversation with someone. The thing is, it tries to create a connection between humans and their devices, humanizing this in a way. These are the opinions of the creators of the device:
“While traditional webcams share the same purpose as the human eye (to see), they are not expressive, they do not convey affection like human eyes do. Through our gaze, we can. Eyecam brings the affective aspects of the eye back into the camera.”
In fact, they are currently working on a specialized tutorial where they will show you how you can make your own webcam of this kind.
Why would I want to make an Eyecam?
It’s really simple: if you’re a fan of horror, then you want an Eyecam. There’s really nothing else that would make you want to own one of these strange webcams, as, for the most part, it’s not even really functional.
The fact that it can blink or move of its own makes it completely useless for situations where you need to communicate via video in a professional manner.
In addition, having a camera that is consciously looking for you and watching everything around you is much scarier than the cameras and microphones we have today.