In our Tribes of Midgard yarn guide we are here to explain how to drop or craft this resource.
Tribes of Midgard yarn guide
In Tribes of Midgard, you must kill creatures like wolves for their fur in order to transform it into yarn with the help of the tinker NPC. By the way, you can also check out our Tribes of Midgard classes guide to learn strengths and weaknesses of characters in the game. We also explained how to get the Tribes of Midgard Golden Egg rune in our recent tutorial.

Where is yarn in Tribes of Midgard?
Fortunately, collecting fur is not difficult if you create the farm and kill wolves whenever they appear on highways because crafting yarn from fur will cost four each yarn. Just follow the paths if you want to raise wolves for fur. Eventually, they will spawn.
But soon, you’ll want to spin your yarn because some late-game armors call for it in their manufacturing instructions. In Tribes of Midgard, you’ll need both fur and yarn to manufacture spun yarn, which will cost five yarn to craft and four yarn each spun yarn.

Which mob drops yarn in Tribes of Midgard?
However, this is not the sole method of obtaining spun yarn. You can always kill both unfrozen and unsunken foes for the resource if you’d prefer to farm enemies instead.
This approach of getting spun yarn is effective because you can also find other resources you need in the places where both monster types spawn. That said, you must seek the Ash Beach for unsunken foes and the Glacier Peaks for unfrozen adversaries if you wish to discover either of these types of enemies.

Tribes of Midgard’s spun yarn can only be obtained through crafting or by eliminating the unfrozen opponents that may be found at camps in the game’s Glacier Peaks location.
Tribes of Midgard is available for PC on Steam.